Downloadable music teaching resources relating to classroom music.
Sold By: Ruth Alberici
- Brass, Classroom Music, Drums, Guitar, Multi Instrument, Piano, Singing, Strings, Woodwind
Objectives and Repertoire Planning Model (Excel)
- £4.00
- Reflect upon progress for your students with this objectives and repertoire planning excel model and separate pdf. Includes space to write last year's achievements, specific objectives for the current year and both active and learnt repertoire. The perfect resource for planning and tracking progress!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Brass, Classroom Music, Multi Instrument, Music Theory, Piano, Strings, Woodwind
Key Signature True or False
- £4.50
- Thank you for visiting Lissa Joy Music Resources for this key signature true or false game! This piano game or activity gets students' brains working on deciphering key signatures up to 4 sharps and flats! Decide whether the key signatures are paired to the correct key signature name or not. There is a set of correct and incorrect answers
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Brass, Classroom Music, Multi Instrument, Piano, Strings, Woodwind
Music Note Reading Worksheets L7 | Treble and Bass Clef Lines and Spaces
- £5.25
- Thank you for visiting Lissa Joy Music Resources for some Music Note Reading Worksheets. Practice treble and bass clef line and space notes with these music note naming resources. Simple BW pages meant to be easy on your printer ink!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Double Bass, Multi Instrument, Music Theory, Piano, Trombone, Tuba
Music Note Reading Worksheets L6 | Bass Clef Lines and Spaces
- £4.00
- Thank you for visiting Lissa Joy Music Resources for some Music Note Reading Worksheets. Practice Bass clef line and space notes with these music note naming resources. Simple BW pages meant to be easy on your printer ink!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Clarinet, Classroom Music, Flute, Multi Instrument, Music Theory, Piano, Recorder, Saxophone, Violin, Woodwind
Music Note Reading Worksheets L5 | Treble Clef Lines and Spaces
- £4.00
- Thank you for visiting Lissa Joy Music Resources for some Music Note Reading Worksheets. Practice treble clef line and space notes with these music note naming resources. Simple BW pages meant to be easy on your printer ink!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Early Years, Multi Instrument, Music Theory, Piano
Summer Piano Worksheet Bundle
- £11.00
- Summer piano worksheet bundle! Rhythm, notes, finger numbers, keyboard geography, symbols and more! Includes coloring, crafting, and writing.
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Sold By: Rachael Inwood
- Classroom Music, Multi Instrument, Music Theory, Musicianship
A Guide To Beat and Rhythm
- £6.00
- A Guide to Beat and Rhythm is a nine-page workbook looking at the following topics. Beat Tempo Rhythm - Semibreve, Minim, Crotchets and Quavers Rests Time signatures There are different exercises for you to do with your students to help reinforce their learning.
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Early Years, Multi Instrument, Piano
Summer Note reading Coloring Pages
- £3.50
- Summer Piano Coloring Pages  These summer note reading coloring pages are sure to have students identifying bass and treble clef note names in no time! Perfect for summer music lesson fun!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Multi Instrument, Piano
Ledger Line Coloring Pages
- £3.50
- These Ledger Line Coloring Pages are sure to have students reading ledger line notes in no time! Perfect for summer piano lesson fun! Â
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Multi Instrument, Music Theory
Music Key Signature Game
- £3.50
- Music Key Signature Game Identify music key signatures up to 4 sharps and flats in this easy to play music game for intermediate students.
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Early Years, Piano
Summer Piano Coloring Pages
- £3.50
- Summer Piano Coloring Pages  These summer piano coloring pages are sure to have students identifying piano keys and rhythm terms in no time! Perfect for summer piano lesson fun!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Multi Instrument, Music Theory
Bass Clef Note Reading Bingo
- £4.00
- Bass Clef Note Reading Bingo This fun bass clef note bingo game gets students' brains working on deciphering bass clef note reading!Â
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Flute, Multi Instrument, Music Theory, Piano, Violin
Treble Clef Note Reading Bingo
- £4.00
- Treble Clef Note Reading Bingo This exciting piano music bingo game gets students' brains working on deciphering treble clef note reading!Â
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Early Years, Piano
Easter Piano Coloring Pages | Easter Gnomes
- £3.50
- Easter Piano Coloring Pages: Easter Gnomes  This Easter themed music/piano coloring pages is sure to have students hopping with excitement! Can be used for piano lessons or other instrumental classes. Lots of easter music fun.
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Multi Instrument
Music Note Naming Activity | Hamster True or False
- £4.00
- Music Note Naming Activity This exciting note naming activity or game gets students brains working. Students can decide whether notes are correctly or incorrectly named. This is perfect for emerging music note naming!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Early Years, Multi Instrument
Ice Cream Rhythm Match
- £2.35
- Ice Cream Rhythm Match Practice beginner note and rest values from 1-4 beats with this cute ice cream themed game!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Multi Instrument
Musical Valentine’s Day Cards
- £0.00
- Musical Valentine's Day Cards. Print out these cute music themed Valentine's cards and give them out to students with a fun prize or treat!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Sale!
- Classroom Music, Early Years, Multi Instrument, Music Theory, Piano
Christmas Piano Games Bundle
- Original price was: £41.50.£37.36Current price is: £37.36.
- Cover all your bases with this full Christmas Music Games Bundle! Includes multiple levels of games and activities, covering note reading, keyboard geography, musical terms & symbols, skips & steps, improvisation and time signatures. Perfect for hours of Christmas fun in holiday lessons!
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Sold By: Lissa Joy Music Resources
- Classroom Music, Multi Instrument, Music Theory
Christmas Piano Note Reading
- £4.00
- Thank you for visiting Lissa Joy Music Resources for a Christmas piano Note Reading. Perfect for helping piano students note reading at Christmas time!
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Sold By: Karen Langtree
- Aural, Brass, Classroom Music, Composing, Drums, French Horn, Multi Instrument, Music History, Piano, Strings, Woodwind
Handel’s Fireworks Music | Listening, Facts, Composition
- £5.00
- This 12 page resource is a colourful and fun-packed way to enable students to: learn about a composer enhance their listening skills enter into a composition activity, inspired by their exploration. It contains differentiated ideas and sheets that you can use with students of all ages and abilities. It involves some printing, cutting out and laminating, if so desired. Musical…
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